Meet the Team
The multi-state, trans-disciplinary ARID team was brought together by the NMSU with funding from USDA NIFA . The team includes:

Caiti Steele
Project Director
USDA Climate Hub, Southwest

Dave Dubois
New Mexico State University

Todd Fagin
Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory/Oklahoma Biological Survey

Amy Ganguli
Rangeland Ecology

Rajan Ghimire
Cropping Systems, Land Management and Resilience
Agricultural Science Center at Clovis, New Mexico State University

Jeanne Gleason
Multimedia Agricultural Communications
New Mexico State University

Laura Goodman
Rangeland Management Extension Specialist
Oklahoma State University

Amy Smith Muise
Multimedia Agricultural Communications
New Mexico State University

Rossana Sallenave
Lead Extension Specialist, Aquatic Ecology
New Mexico State University

Jacqueline Vadjunec
Human-environment geographer
Oklahoma State University

Kate Zeigler
Groundwater Research and Outreach
Zeigler Geologic Consulting, LLC